
Sponsorship Packages

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Apart from the memberships which allows all exhibitors to connect with buyers through their online showrooms, offers a range of advertising opportunities which include banner advertisements and supplier interview which will be featured in our blogs, social media channels and bi-weekly newsletters to 100,000 recipients.

Pre-fair Promotion

Reach your target buyers directly by incorporating your message in ACLE invitation cards, visitor e-badges and direct mail.

Onsite Promotion

Heighten your presence at ACLE and direct buyers to your stand with eye-catching tools ranging from carrier bags to hanging banners, visitor badges, exhibition guide, standing lightbox, standing banners and hanging structures.

All China Leather Exhibition (ACLE) is the first and only international leather fair in China. ACLE is known as the premier event for international companies seeking opportunities in China’s huge markets – the focus of the global leather industry. Since its inception back in 1998, ACLE has welcomed hundreds of thousands of professional buyers from the main tannery and leather goods / footwear manufacturing provinces of Mainland China.

ACLE targets the Chinese tanning (upstream) sectors which are sourcing raw hides and skins, semi-finished leather, leather chemicals and leather machineries to manufacture into finished leather to be used in the domestic footwear, leather goods and automotive upholstery sectors.

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